Message from the Founder

Carla Golian


Hello! my name is Carla. I founded this organization when I found myself not living my purpose.

Growing up, I always had a passion for children, I would always gravitate to them and sure I was that one day I would have at least one of my own. Forty five years later, I find myself childless and it feels like there is something missing from my life. So I thought, why not adopt all the children of the world and help and care for them, give them a warm pillow to sleep on, milk on the table to drink, the tools to help them thrive.

I’m passionate about making a difference, and I have the vitality to cause a change, and make this world a better place for us all. When I was younger, I deeply wanted to change the world, but now that I’m older, I’m changing myself to cause a change.

There are so many rural communities with those less fortunate than us who need our help, but I didn’t have to venture out too far to find my starting point. Being a Dental Hygienist by profession, and Armenian, in seeing the lack of dental health education in Armenia, I found my first avenue.

Help transforms our world. Together with your help, we can secure a brighter future for our children and the world. 

With Love,

Carla Golian, RDH